The story of a little girl meeting a wolf while she brings her grandmother food is one of the most frequently adapted fairy tales of all time. In Germany, the girl is known as “Rotkäppchen”.
I first exhibited this piece at the opening of the Copper house gallery in Dublin,
I first exhibited this piece at the opening of the Copper house gallery in Dublin,

Awards & Recognition
The Illustration Cupboard Exhibition, London, UK 2014
American Illustration juried archive 2012
3x3 Children's Illustration Annual No. 9, Distinguished Merit 2012
Drawn Feb 2012
Le Cool 2012
The Copper House Gallery 2011
The Illustration Cupboard Exhibition, London, UK 2014
American Illustration juried archive 2012
3x3 Children's Illustration Annual No. 9, Distinguished Merit 2012
Drawn Feb 2012
Le Cool 2012
The Copper House Gallery 2011

The Illustration Cupboard, London. UK.

Gallery owners Leszek and Maureen Wolnik present a print of Rotkäppchen to the Minister of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Mr. Jimmy Deenihan TD.

3X3 Magazine, New York.

American Illustration 27.