I had the privilege of being asked to create an illustration for the poster and cover of 'Sweet Dreams', a CD of lullaby's in aid of Temple St. and Crumlin Children's Hospitals in Dublin.
They came to me with a loose concept in mind, which was a mixture of the nursery rhymes 'Row Your Boat' and 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' and had referenced an illustration I had done previously called 'The Drowning Man' for it's depiction of the night sky.
I kept the design very simple and concentrated more on the emotive and magical side of things.
The client was won over by it's charm...I hope you like it too.
They came to me with a loose concept in mind, which was a mixture of the nursery rhymes 'Row Your Boat' and 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' and had referenced an illustration I had done previously called 'The Drowning Man' for it's depiction of the night sky.
I kept the design very simple and concentrated more on the emotive and magical side of things.
The client was won over by it's charm...I hope you like it too.